Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sawyer's Big Sister

Since day one Anna has been AMAZING with Sawyer. She has never shown an ounce of jealousy and just loves him unconditionally. She laughs when he pulls her hair, giggles when he spits-up on her and just can't get enough of him. She is also very careful and gentle with him. Today however, she accidentally hurt him. I'm not sure exactly what happened because I had been washing a cupcake-batter filled bowl but I heard him howl. Then I heard nothing but silence -the kind where they are crying so hard they don't make a sound and you just know when you hear them again it is going to be really loud. I dropped what I was doing to pick him up and see what the damage was. Apparently Anna had tried to hug him while he was doing tummy time. I don't know if she smushed a finger or hugged him too hard but after some cuddling and rocking he calmed down and had the most pitiful tears in his eyes while his little lip quivered.

Anna was by my side the whole time but after he calmed down she began to cry and said "Mommy when I grow up, if I accidentally hurt Sawyer, I'm just afraid that he'll tell me he doesn't want to be my brother anymore". Now is that not the most adorable thing you ever heard?

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