Wednesday, June 22, 2011

One More Day

Well, Anna has just one more day of kindergarten. Its hard to believe that the school year is coming to a close. It seems like just yesterday I was putting her on the bus for the first time, watching her wave at me as it pulled away. I'm happy to say she still waves each day and even signs "I love you" despite the little boys that ride with her and tease her about it. Those creeps! She has come so far in just a few short months. She's transitioned beautifully into sharing the spotlight with her baby brother and is more independent than ever. All of the worries and concerns I had when she began have disappeared. Were looking forward now to a long, lazy summer. We've signed up for several activities at the local library as well as swimming lessons everyday. Our town has opened up a brand new bike path as well that we'll be taking advantage of. I'll post "Last Day of School" pictures tomorrow.

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