Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sawyer's Stats

Sawyer had is one year check-up last year and is doing very well.  He jumped from 5% for weight to 13% which made Mommy very happy.  He continues to be 50% for height.  He also has a very big head -okay, 91% for that!  Dr. Zapson said it is nothing to be concerned about just that he'll have a harder time getting shirts and sweaters over his head :)  He's pulling up on everything and definitely starting to get into mischief.  This morning he pulled the stool over, got into the hibiscus plant and emptied my entire drawer of Tupperware.  He's finally figured out crawling (after learning standing and pulling up) and uses it about 25% of the time to get around.  The rest of the time he prefers to pull himself on his belly.  He's saying several words such as pop, hot, baby, uh-oh and Dadda  -yes, that's right, no Mama yet.  He also says AA for Anna.  He's growing everyday and keeping us on our toes.  

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