While we were cooking, Anna said she really enjoyed helping out and wanted to do it again sometime. I told her that maybe we could look into a cooking class after school for her. I remember when I was in first grade, my mom taught an after-school cooking class for kids at my elementary school. She used the cafeteria kitchen and taught us how to make homemade butter and I can't remember what else. It was neat though having her as the teacher of all of my friends. On a side note, when Ricky began kindergarten, she worked making lunches in the school cafeteria part time so she could make a little extra cash but be home in time for us to come home from school. I still laugh when I think about how she called herself "the hot-dog lady".
Anyway, Anna asked if I could teach the cooking class and for a moment, I entertained the idea. But I'll let you in on a secret, I hate cooking when I'm under pressure to impress....and seriously, all goes wrong each time I try to. So you see, the idea of trying to cook in a strange, institution size kitchen complete with a dozen 6 year olds bouncing around next to fire, boiling water and knives, kind of doesn't sound like a great idea to me. Just saying.