Monday, February 27, 2012

Cooking Class

Yesterday afternoon, Ron took Sawyer to Home Depot for some items he needed for work.  I decided to stay home and get an early start on making dinner since I was trying something new.  Anna asked to stay home too and instead of drawing (which is her favorite pastime), she requested to help out with the cooking.  I have to say we had the best time.  I had a new recipe for Cauliflower and Cheddar soup that I wanted to try.  She helped me wash the cauliflower, cut the butter, put all of the onions in the pot and blend the whole thing together once it cooked.  I have to say it was the best soup I we ever made.  We made a batch of homemade popovers to go with it and even decided to throw in some of the leftover, grated cheese we used in the soup.  Yum!

While we were cooking, Anna said she really enjoyed helping out and wanted to do it again sometime.  I told her that maybe we could look into a cooking class after school for her.  I remember when I was in first grade, my mom taught an after-school cooking class for kids at my elementary school.  She used the cafeteria kitchen and taught us how to make homemade butter and I can't remember what else.  It was neat though having her as the teacher of all of my friends.  On a side note, when Ricky began kindergarten, she worked making lunches in the school cafeteria part time so she could make a little extra cash but be home in time for us to come home from school.  I still laugh when I think about how she called herself "the hot-dog lady".

Anyway, Anna asked if I could teach the cooking class and for a moment, I entertained the idea.  But I'll let you in on a secret, I hate cooking when I'm under pressure to impress....and seriously, all goes wrong each time I try to.  So you see, the idea of trying to cook in a strange, institution size kitchen complete with a dozen 6 year olds bouncing around next to fire, boiling water and knives, kind of doesn't sound like a great idea to me.  Just saying.  

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Date with a Fig on Prune Street

Ron and Anna went on a "date" this afternoon.  We had been discussing the importance of Anna seeing how her future mate should treat her.  He gave her flowers, helped her get her coat on, opened the door for her and off they went!  They enjoyed a movie, lunch and some quality conversation.  I can't say who had a better time!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Valentines

Anna found Sawyer playing in my underwear drawer this past weekend.  She called me to come in and I find him sitting plumb in the middle of all of my bras and underwear.  We won't share that with Daddy!  I ran to get the camera and when I returned, I found Anna had put Sawyer's hood on and the picture of the two of them gushing love for one another was begging to be taken -more so than the one of Sawyer in the middle of my undergarments!  I wanted to download one to the blog for you to see but I couldn't make up my mind as to which one I liked best so enjoy all four of them!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Great at Many Things, But Ice-Skating is Not One of Them

My daughter is wise beyond her years.  She taught herself to read in kindergarten, aces all of her spelling tests, can understand others feelings and can accomplish anything she puts her mind to....that is except for ice-skating!  She attended a birthday party yesterday at the ice-skating rink near us.  It was her first time skating and I'm so happy I had the opportunity to see her.  She was so excited and talked about the upcoming party since the day she received the invitation.  Yesterday was the big day and as we laced up her skates she was smiling from ear to ear.  As soon as she got one foot on the ice though she fell.  I almost wet my pants watching her and videotaping her experience.  Take a look for yourself...

Friday, February 10, 2012


My Mom's birthday will be tomorrow.  She would have been 65 years old.  It still hurts to think about her but I can smile and laugh about her too when I remember the many good times we had.  I enjoy looking at pictures of her raising Ricky and I.  I see her at the same exact stage of life I am in and wish I could talk to her about what it was like.  Did she watch the clock waiting for my dad to come home and share a cup of coffee over her frustration with a teething baby?  Did she wonder if a fever of 102 was high enough to call the doctor?  Did her heart brim with joy when stood up for the first time?  I know she did, still I like to imagine what it was like.  It would have been neat to know her back then as a peer.  

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Photo Updates

Just a quick update on us.  Things are going well and it is hard to believe that it is just about the middle of February.  We are enjoying a warmer than normal winter and have been spending time going on hikes, bike riding and playing outside a little more than usual this time of year.  Sawyer and Anna are doing great and growing by leaps and bounds.  Sawyer is beginning to say more and more words beep-beep, uh-oh, baby, dada.  Anna is reading tons and tons of books each week -one of her favorite activities!  She goes for her first time ice-skating this weekend at a birthday party for a friend from school.  Here are some pictures taken the last few weeks....

It's just the beginning of being embarrassed by your big sister little man!

Hey Guys, Is dinner almost ready yet???

One of Sawyer's favorite activities is to stand at the entertainment center and watch pictures go by on our digital picture frame.  

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sawyer's Stats

Sawyer had is one year check-up last year and is doing very well.  He jumped from 5% for weight to 13% which made Mommy very happy.  He continues to be 50% for height.  He also has a very big head -okay, 91% for that!  Dr. Zapson said it is nothing to be concerned about just that he'll have a harder time getting shirts and sweaters over his head :)  He's pulling up on everything and definitely starting to get into mischief.  This morning he pulled the stool over, got into the hibiscus plant and emptied my entire drawer of Tupperware.  He's finally figured out crawling (after learning standing and pulling up) and uses it about 25% of the time to get around.  The rest of the time he prefers to pull himself on his belly.  He's saying several words such as pop, hot, baby, uh-oh and Dadda  -yes, that's right, no Mama yet.  He also says AA for Anna.  He's growing everyday and keeping us on our toes.