Thursday, March 6, 2008

More Quotes from Anna

Yesterday Anna said two cute things. First, we had a few minutes to kill before her nap so I said she could use the computer. She enjoys sitting on my lap and choosing a game to play on Sesame Street Workshop. Yesterday she decided to send some Sesame E-cards. We decided to send one to Daddy at work. She chose the card she liked, dictated a cute message for Mommy to type and was ready to send it. I don't have Ron's work e-mail address memorized so I said out loud "Okay, let's look up Daddy's address and then we can send it to him". Her response...."Mommy, Daddy doesn't have any dresses!".
Earlier in the day, Anna was ravenous at lunchtime and was amazing me by her appetite for lunch. After eating an adult size portion of turkey-corn chilli, and a whole apple with peanut-butter, she asked for dessert. Now dessert usually isn't a staple in our house but occassionally, after a good meal, Mommy gives in and is willing to share her secret stash. Anyway, I asked Anna what she would like for her dessert and she replied "What do you have?" Being silly I said "How 'bout some worm soup, or some chicken feet?". She looked at me in all seriousness and said, "No Mommy, I want a people dessert".

1 comment:

Janelle S said...

I love the dessert. When Noelle bugs me to tell her what we're having for dinner I'll often say "bugs and worms" so that she doesn't offer any criticism to what we're actually having.
Sometimes she requests to eat "bugs and worms" and makes a big deal about renaming all the food so that we're eating spider legs, fly wings etc...yum, yum.