Friday, February 29, 2008

Nothing at Kohls...

Yesterday Anna and I took a trip to Kohls. She desperately needs some pants and sweaters since she has gone through a growth spurt recently. I told her I'd treat her to some new outfits. She wasn't as thrilled with this as I thought she should be. I would LOVE if someone would say that to me! Anyway, I packed the stroller with snacks and drinks to keep her happy while I hunted for some nice outfits and great deals. Well, they had absolutely NOTHING. Apparently looking in February for pants, sweaters and long sleeve shirts is unheard of according to the saleslady. Its 8 degrees outside today with snow on the way for this evening and all they have are polka dotted bikinis, shorts and tank tops. I don't think that is going to cut it. Tomorrow we'll try Target.

1 comment:

Janelle S said...

I know, isn't it awful? I was looking for a white turtleneck for Sadie 2 weeks ago (In February mind you) and there was nothing but short sleeve shirts. Consignment shops might be your best bet.