Monday, March 10, 2008

Sad News

Last night we had to take our mini-dachshund to the emergency vet for a back injury. This is a very common condition in dachshunds but can be very serious. Many need surgery and become paralyzed in their back legs. It is very common to see these little hot dogs with carts similar to wheel chairs for their back legs. Fortunately, Chloe's injury is not that serious and if we care for her properly, she should return to normal. She is to be on strict crate rest for the next 2-3 weeks. The only time she is allowed out is to use the bathroom. No jumping, running or walks. This is going to be very hard because she is always on the go. Please keep her in your prayers. She has been in her bed all day and that is not like her at all. She didn't even come out to alert me that the UPS man had arrived.

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