Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Date with Mommy and a Date with Daddy

Today Ron took Anna to work with him. He got a grant to work over the summer with some of his high-school students. This week they are painting several murals to hang in one of the music rooms. Anna was going to help out as well as do some painting of her own. He called earlier to say they were having pizza and gelatos together outside -tough life.

Since Anna and Ron got a special day together, I told Sawyer that we would be doing something fun as well. He grunted at me when I told him we would be going to Old MacDonalds' Farm (aka Tilly Foster Farm up the road). I've been trying to teach him about farm animals and the noises they make (he thinks I'm nuts by the way) and so a trip to the farm to see some real, live animals was in order.

Of course it didn't help much that I picked a very hot, extra humid day to treck around a farm however we both had fun. Sawyer got to see some turkeys which I must say are quite ugly up close. He saw a rooster as well who was much better at cockle-doodle-doing than I am. We saw some bunnies, some sheep and then got to see a horse getting a bath.

We had a great time together and I told him we'd have to come back again with Anna and Ron on a much, much cooler day!

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