Friday, July 1, 2011

Earrings for your Teeth

Yesterday during dinner, Anna brought up an interesting question. She was asking if we knew how some people had earrings in their teeth. Ron and I had no idea what she was talking about but then I asked her if she meant fillings. I explained that fillings were what the dentist gave you to "fill in" a cavity. She said this was not what she meant. She wanted to know why some people have earrings in their teeth. I asked her where she had seen this before. She said our next door neighbor Will (who is in 8th grade) had earrings in his teeth. Now I know Will and I KNOW he does not have earrings in or on his teeth so I said once again that they must be fillings. Anna was insistent that they were not. I was starting to get frustrated with her until I realized that Will has braces .....and that was what Anna thought were earrings on your teeth.

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