Sunday, July 31, 2011

What We've Been Up To....

Enjoying extra time with Daddy while he's on his summer work schedule.

Going to the Brewster Fire Department Parade.

Creating a faux carriage house door for our old, dated garage door (way to go Ronnie!)

Going to the 4-H Fair

Trying to Keep Cool (even if that means hanging out in your diaper or underwear!)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday Morning Blues

Backed my car into Ron's this front of the neighbors. Ron got not one, but two speeding tickets in the mail...apparently they have hidden cameras in Maryland for speeding. Not a good morning. This sweet little boy must've known I'd need a little extra loving this morning when I came in to get him up because this is what I found.

Friday, July 22, 2011

When you wake up stuck like this:

On a day that is like this:

There is only one thing you can do:

To make you happy like this:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Ron had commented that the birdseed seemed to be disappearing quicker than normal....and now we know the reason why!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Date with Mommy and a Date with Daddy

Today Ron took Anna to work with him. He got a grant to work over the summer with some of his high-school students. This week they are painting several murals to hang in one of the music rooms. Anna was going to help out as well as do some painting of her own. He called earlier to say they were having pizza and gelatos together outside -tough life.

Since Anna and Ron got a special day together, I told Sawyer that we would be doing something fun as well. He grunted at me when I told him we would be going to Old MacDonalds' Farm (aka Tilly Foster Farm up the road). I've been trying to teach him about farm animals and the noises they make (he thinks I'm nuts by the way) and so a trip to the farm to see some real, live animals was in order.

Of course it didn't help much that I picked a very hot, extra humid day to treck around a farm however we both had fun. Sawyer got to see some turkeys which I must say are quite ugly up close. He saw a rooster as well who was much better at cockle-doodle-doing than I am. We saw some bunnies, some sheep and then got to see a horse getting a bath.

We had a great time together and I told him we'd have to come back again with Anna and Ron on a much, much cooler day!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

First Cucumber of the Season

We've had a vegetable garden the last few years and each year it grows a little bit. This year we added eggplant, pumpkins and cantaloupe to the usual spinach, lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, peppers and tomatoes. Last night we enjoyed the first cucumber of the season in our salad.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Keeping Cool

We are so thankful to Grandpa for allowing us to come over yesterday after Ron got home from work to cool off in his pool and share a pizza together! The water was so warm "like Bermuda" thanks to his brand new pool liner and solar cover.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Weekend Getaway

This past weekend we made the drive down to Maryland to visit Ron's family. Sawyer had yet to meet his Aunt Rhonda as well as all of his cousins. He did a great job being held by everyone and handled the car ride fairly well. Anna was thrilled to be the center of attention and had fun playing with everyone. She was even treated to her very first snowball, a Maryland tradition whenever we visit. For those of you who have yet to be introduced to a snowball, they are the absolute best! They are typical snow cones however "The Snowball Stand" offers a variety of flavors some of which are snickers, egg custard, strawberry daiquiri and cinnamon. You can get marshmallow or butterscotch toppings as well. They are delicious on a hot summer day!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pool Party

Anna and I were invited to a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) pool party today at our leader's house. We had a wonderful time complete with lots of good things to eat. It was the perfect day for it, hot, and sunny. Ron had the day off so he hung out with Sawyer. She and I enjoyed good conversation and cool, refreshing water. Now she is sound asleep on the couch for the second day in a row. It's taking her a long time at night to fall asleep and then she wakes up early. Anyone else finding this with their kiddos? Maybe it's the heat or she's overtired and just can't settle down? I know when my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Little Bit of This and A Little Bit of That

This is the bluebird that came to visit me on the anniversary of my Mom's death. I've been looking for him since last Spring. Funny how he just pops up on the day she passed away two years ago. Coincidence? Definitely not!

Here is a picture of my sweet babies on the morning of the 4th of July:

Here is Sawyer's first time checking out Nona and Grandpa's pool. He enjoyed getting his feet wet.

And here is my sweet, sweet girl. Pardon the boo boo on her forehead. Actually it is a double one. She fell at the playground and got a nice, black and blue goose egg. Then a day later, she fell off a stump and to try and catch herself, she grabbed a birdbath. The birdbath came apart and smacked her on the forehead. Poor thing.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Earrings for your Teeth

Yesterday during dinner, Anna brought up an interesting question. She was asking if we knew how some people had earrings in their teeth. Ron and I had no idea what she was talking about but then I asked her if she meant fillings. I explained that fillings were what the dentist gave you to "fill in" a cavity. She said this was not what she meant. She wanted to know why some people have earrings in their teeth. I asked her where she had seen this before. She said our next door neighbor Will (who is in 8th grade) had earrings in his teeth. Now I know Will and I KNOW he does not have earrings in or on his teeth so I said once again that they must be fillings. Anna was insistent that they were not. I was starting to get frustrated with her until I realized that Will has braces .....and that was what Anna thought were earrings on your teeth.