Monday, December 20, 2010

When It Rains It Pours....

Yesterday I began spotting very lightly. I immediately called the dr and they said to rest, drink water and keep an eye on it. It continued today although a little lighter so the dr said to come on in for an ultra-sound. Wouldn't you know that as soon as I go to make the appointment, Anna throws up all over the floor :( My poor girl must have eaten something that did not agree with her. Fortuntately she only got sick four more times and is doing better now. No diarrhea so I'm hoping this is not the bug??? She's tired of watching tv and wants to play so I'm hoping that she's turning the corner.

My dad came over to watch her (please pray he doesn't get it) so I could run out to my ultra-sound. Well, everything is fine. The baby looks great and there is no reason for concern. The technician said this happens all the time, especially to smaller framed women. I'm not even dialated which is good because I'm only 35 weeks and I had convinced myself this was the beginning of labor. Praise God for the good news. Please Lord, just keep the rest of us healthy now. Please keep us germ free.

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