Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away...

I'm not sure if yesterday would have gone down as the best first day of summer vacation for Anna because we cleaned the house all day. My goal is to really get the house back in order over summer and my goal was to tackle one job a day. But since yesterday was raining, I told Anna we should make use of our time at home. We accomplished a lot and I have now found someone who LOVES to dust the legs of all my furniture (I hate that job!). Anyway, Anna and I had fun (at least I think she did) and we accomplished a lot. While she took her nap, I walked around the house outside checking on our flowers and our vegetable garden. I came across three surprises for her on my walk...
A beautiful lilly in our garden that had just bloomed.
Our very first zucchini starting to grow.
A nest in the birdhouse Grandpa built us complete with baby birds!

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