Sunday, August 31, 2008

Growing Like a Weed....

Well, although school dropoff hasn't been the best for Anna (or myself), I find these last few days she has shown so much growth in her ability to do things independently. I called her pediatrician on Thursday to see if there was anything I could do to ease the transtion to school for her. I didn't want to have the conversation in front of Anna so when the phone rang and I saw on the caller id it was the pediatrician calling me back, I told Anna I'd be out on the deck for a minute for an important phone call. I was back inside within two minutes and found Anna sitting on the toilet. When I asked her what she was doing, she said "Mommy, I had to go to the potty and I know how to do it myself now!". My eyes immediately filled up with tears. She's been potty trained for almost a year and a half now but I always remind her to go and help her get on and off the potty. This was a shock to me that she could do it 'all by herself'! Then on Friday, I joined Ron and Anna for her daily tricycle ride after dinner. She was able to ride the whole way, even up the slight hill that is near us. It amazes me how much she has grown and changed in these last three years. I vividly remember doing tummy time with her as a newborn trying to get her to lift her head up off the blanket and now she is becoming so independent. It is just so amazing!

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