Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School and Work...

Well, I went back to work today.... sort of. I had applied over the Spring for a part time job as an assistant nursery school teacher and was excited to hear I got it. I'll be making some extra money and they pay half of Anna's tuition for pre-school. She is in the building next door to me. I transitioned her the week before last and she did pretty well. No tears. Today we both started our regular days 9:00-12:30. Its different being a teaching 'assistant' since I had my own classroom for ten years but its nice working with young children who don't have any emotional problems. I worried the whole time about Anna though and missed her terribly. Her teachers said she did very well and only teared up about missing me once during clean up time. I'm worried that separation anxiety will set in once she realizes we do this five days a week. She seems happy so far and the facility is absolutely beautiful, complete with a duck pond, swimming pool, and old barn. She looked adorable this morning with her backpack on and her little curls. They practically had to pry me off of her little leg! Gosh, I love that little girl.

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