Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Another Tough Day...

Well, today was no better :( Anna started crying from the minute I woke her up not wanting to go to school. At one point she cried, "Mommy, When is it the weekend?". I felt terrible. I tried staying with her for a little while but it seemed to make things worse so I left. She cried as I walked out but I lingered around the corner for a few moments and could hear her crying turn to just whimpering. I called to check on her and the teacher said she was a little tearful on and off for the first hour but then brightened up considerably. They said she is really starting to make friends now and is learning the routine. They did say they can't believe her appetite! When I left, her teacher said she anticipates Anna will only be like this for a few more days. I sure hope so because as my mom always used to tell me, "A mom can only be as happy as her saddest child".

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