Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Back to work...

I decided to go back to work part time since Anna will be in nursery school in the fall. I applied for a teaching assistant position at a nursery school fifteen minutes away from here. They accepted me and Anna will be in another class in the building too while I am teaching. I have mixed feelings about it. It will be nice to be with other adults and get dressed up (somewhat) but I'm going to miss Anna terribly. It is so silly because we'll drive together and be in the same program pretty much but still its making me realize she is growing up. I went in for this morning for the first time because they want me around for just a few days in June so I get an idea of what my responsibilities will be. Anna's program won't be ready till September so my dad watched her. The morning went well. There are ten children in our class however next year, we'll have sixteen. I had a nice morning out but was happy to come home to my sweet little girl again. I think I'll treat her to Dunkin Donuts when she wakes up from her nap :)

1 comment:

Janelle S said...

Congratulations on the new car. That's always a nice change.
I feel your pain about Anna growing up. Sometimes I could just cry that Noelle is 4 1/2. At the same time i'm excited to have a break when she goes to preschool in the fall. I guess I can' have it all.