Thursday, June 26, 2008

Update on Chloe

Well, we are back from the vet with mixed news. Chloe did have a relapse however the meds are doing their job in keeping her pain free. The plan is to keep her on pain meds for another ten days. When she comes off of them, if pain returns, the vet would like to do surgery. If the pain does not return, she will begin crate rest for 8 weeks this time. Please, please, please pray the pain does not return because surgery costs between 4000 and 5500 dollars and..... there is a 25 percent chance she could blow another disc again and we would have to start at square 1 all over again. She is resting comfortably in her crate and we have promised her if she is good and heals over the next few days, we will have a nice, big marrow bone waiting for her. Here she is on a much happier day beside the fireplace :(

1 comment:

Janelle S said...

Oh, the poor little girl! I'll be praying - for all of you.