Monday, June 25, 2012


So today is technically the first day of summer vacation for Anna.  Unfortunately due to the major thunderstorms and rain we had this morning, swimming camp was canceled.  She happily joined Sawyer and I for baby lap time at the Katonah Library.  We came home afterwards and had lunch together.  Sawyer is napping now and I told her that while Sawyer is napping each day, we are going to have quiet time.  Her teacher recommended the students read for twenty minutes each day so they don't fall behind.  She also included a lengthy list of suggested books.  I also purchased a workbook my Mom had found a few years ago when she was teaching.  It is called Summer Bridge and is published for each grade.  Its broken down for the kids into sections to complete each day.  So guess what, Anna is ticked off at me!  She doesn't want to read and she DOESN'T want to complete the workbook pages.  I told her this would just be our schedule for Monday through Friday and we could have weekends off.  I have also been compiling a list of science experiments for us to do as well (although she doesn't know this yet).  Things like making ice-cream in bag, making slime etc.  Anna DOES love to read, however she's obstinate about this 'schedule'.  It is so hard to instill in children a LOVE of reading. I'll be honest, I'm not a lover of reading.  And I hate that I'm not.  And I firmly believe the more one reads, the smarter they become.  Any suggestions on how to instill a love of reading in your children?  I'd be interested in hearing them.


Anonymous said...

Pay her! We don't normally give our kids an allowance, but last summer I developed an 'incentive program' to encourage Noelle to read. 5 cents for easy books and 25 cents for challenging books. By the end of the summer Noelle was plowing through a lot of challenging books. Also...I know on some of the more challenging books, Noelle likes me to start by me reading the first chapter so she's 'hooked' and 'meets' the characters.

Ron and Rachel said...

Okay Janelle, I'll have to talk to Ron tonight about the reading incentive. We don't use early bedtimes as a punishment but I've been saying if she misbehaves she'll have to go to bed without reading just to make it appear more special :) I do like your idea of helping to get them started. I have to try that one!