Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dear Sawyer, 
     It was one year ago today that you filled our hearts with joy.  Mommy and Daddy went to bed just as the snowflakes started falling and almost immediately you began making your entry into the world.  I squeezed Daddy's hand every 15 minutes all night long....that is until Anna called from her room "Mommy, Daddy, come quick!  I lost my first tooth!" -at 4:00 in the morning.  Daylight showed us 14 inches of snow had fallen and we wondered when we should leave for the hospital  Grandpa didn't believe us when we called him to say you were on your way....neither did Uncle Ricky.   We slowly made our way to the hospital in Nona's jeep, the only ones on the road.  The nurses didn't believe I was in labor either....something about me being too friendly and calm.  The doctor said I was in fact in labor and you would arrive by the end of the day.  You did, our love.  At 6:40 pm we welcomed you into the world.  Your big sister Anna was the first to hear.  We shared the news with all of your family and everyone was overjoyed!  You found your way into our hearts the moment we laid eyes on you. Happy 1st Birthday Sweet Boy!

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