Tuesday, September 6, 2011

End of Summer

Well, today is Anna's last day of summer vacation. Tomorrow she begins first grade -where has the time gone??? And why can't the WINTER go by this fast? We've had a great summer with trips to the carnival, movies, visits from grandparents near and far, dips in the lake, sparklers with grandpa, fishing expeditions and lots of time spent on our deck eating smores and homeade ice-cream. I'm glad she had this time to spend with her brother who just ADORES her. Today he spent an hour laying on the floor next to her while she talked to him and kissed him. I know he will miss her but I know I will miss her more. I love how I come out of the shower in the morning and find she's made her bed and mine -the covers are crooked somewhat but who's complaining. I love how she empties the dryer and puts the clothes away without being asked while I'm nursing Sawyer. I love how she entertains Sawyer while I make lunch. She's a big help and I'll miss that, but more importantly, I'll miss her company. She makes me laugh and always listens -she's a good friend. Love you Anna!

1 comment:

Janelle S said...

Sadie starts preschool tomorrow. My chicks are leaving the nest! As much as I've been looking forward to this time, it's sad to send them off on their own. I feel like it's the beginning of a long process of letting them go. I'm not sure I'll handle the college so well :) I guess I have about a decade to work on that.

Anna sounds like such a great little girl. What a treasure.