Monday, August 29, 2011


We survived Irene this weekend with no problems (Thank you Lord). We lost power for about 10 hours and were one of the first ones to get it back. My dad and brother are good too but unfortunately do not have power and are thinking they'll both be without it for the week. This is a picture taken after the storm of a dam down the road from us. Please excuse the lack of make-up and shower...we were still without electricity at this point.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Birthday Weekend Highlights

We celebrated Anna's birthday with family this past weekend and had a great time. Ron's family came up from Maryland and brought their cute puppy Bella along for the trip. Anna received TONS of presents, her favorite being her very own, American Girl Doll. She also received an aquarium for tropical fish which we set up in our kitchen for the whole family to enjoy. With Labor Day around the corner, our focus now turns to first grade and the beginning of school for Ron and Anna. I'm looking forward to some cooler weather and trying out some new recipes. We also are working on our curb appeal. Ron landscaped the front yard along the driveway and we are having our front steps and entry redone with flagstone and cobblestones. Pictures of that to follow!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Goodbye Daddy!

Ron got this shot of Anna and Sawyer saying goodbye as he left for work the other day. Don't they just melt your heart?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Birthday Celebrations

Although Anna does not turn six until the 22nd of this month, we celebrated her 'friends' birthday party on Sunday. We had her party at Animal Kingdom USA and were very pleased with the job they did there. Anna and her friends were able to hold and pet all of the animals including snakes, rabbits, a tortoise, guinea pigs, and ferrets. They did a great job teaching all of the kids facts about the animals and everyone enjoyed the pizza and birthday cake that were provided. They also had fun wearing the safari hats and binoculars. In place of a goody bag, they even got their own fish and fishbowl to take home! Here are some highlights of the party.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

VBS '79

Anna is LOVING Vacation Bible School this week at our church. She can't get enough of "PandaMania". My dad thought she might get a kick out of seeing her mom at Vacation Bible School. I'm the one on the left.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Dog Days of Summer

So we're already into August -hard to believe and I feel like it is going faster than July. Anna finished up her swimming lessons this morning with a party at the lake. Next week she begins Camp Bedford -a weeklong Vacation Bible School that our church is hosting. We've been dropping off items each Sunday and it sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun for her. This year's theme is PandaMania. Copy and paste this link to see what it is all about: I wish I could go! Ron was called into work so my dad is going to help out with dropping her off because it begins at 9:00 and with Sawyer's eating schedule, we can't get out of here by 8:30 in the morning. He's doing very well with solids -loves the green and orange vegetables that I make him and has now begun fruits. It just takes FOREVER for him to eat since I have to nurse him first. He likes to take his time.

We're also starting to do some back-to-school shopping. I got Anna a few outfits and ordered her a new pair of sneakers today. She's starting to realize what other kids are wearing and wants a little more say in what we buy. My little girl is growing up and I know my days of ponytails are numbered :(

This afternoon we're off to a park playdate with a neighbor and then I'm picking up my car from the bodyshop and I can't wait. My dad was very kind to lend me his jeep but with no air-conditioner and no radio as well as no anchors for Sawyer's carseat I'm counting the seconds to have my spacious mini-van back (and I thought I'd never say that!)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Isn't It Too Hot?

I have several blogs that I follow mainly with the topic of raising families, keeping house and cooking. I love to eat and so I'm always interested in getting new recipe ideas. Lately, several of the bloggers have posted recipes that involve baking and turning on the oven. Now I realize that these blogs are located all over the country but still, it is summer (August) and most of the country is very, very warm if not downright hot! Here in NY we have been in the low nineties with high humidity. So while I sit at my computer with the fan aimed directly on me and trying so hard not to turn on the ac window unit I read about all of these deliciouis ideas that involve the oven. Homeade pita breads, zucchini muffins, chocolate chip scones and pizza. How on earth are you all able to do this in the thick of summer? Aren't you dying of heat? I will go out of my way not to turn on the oven during the dog days of summer. How do you all do it?