Monday, November 1, 2010

I Can't Tolerate a Glucose Tolerance Test!

Last week I had to have my 27 week 1 hour glucose tolerance test to see if I have developed gestational diabetes. The nurse told me to go to the lab to have this done. She said I'd have to drink a sugary solution, wait at the lab for an hour and then have my glucose level taken. She said not to fast but if the lab asked if I had, say yes. So, I went along as directed. Well, on Friday, I get a phonecall that I failed and that I have to come back now for the 3 hour test and that I need to fast from midninght the night before. Well, first of all, I'm at the uncomfortable point in my pregnancy and the idea of sitting in a doctor's office for three hours is unbearable to me -doing it on an empty stomach that hasn't had a bit of food for the last 15 hours??? That is pure torture! And let me tell you that it was. I got there at 8:15 this morning and they did not take me until 8:45. The combination of lack of food, being pregnant and then having to gulp down this sugary drink made me nauseous, lightheaded and very uncomfortable. Did I mention that on my way out the door to the appointment, Anna's second fish in two days died? And then we no sooner get in the car and the tire inflation light comes on signalling that one of the tires is slowly going flat. I prayed that God would get me to the appointment on time so that I would not have to go through this all over again. Praise God I made it and the test is over. I should have the results in the next few days. Just a word to any pregnant ladies reading this however, both technicians at the lab today told me I absolutely should have fasted for the first one hour test -they said I surely would have passed.

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