Saturday, November 6, 2010


My mom used to tell me that once I hit adolescence, I went to bed one night Cinderella and woke up Godzilla. Well, I'm saddened to say that I think Anna has already begun. My sweet little girl is in such turmoil now. She loves kindergarten but "misses me" so much she has to keep a little family picture with her to look at when she's feeling sad. I get hugs and kisses galore as the bus pulls up. When she gets off though, she's another being altogether. I think she's learning from the children at school a bit of an attitude. Thank God she knows well enough not to use it with her teacher but when she comes home, Mommy is the perfect one to test it out on. This has been going on for the last couple of weeks. She's doing the eye rolling, hands on her hips and whole tone of voice thing. I know its normal at this age but its so hard. Last night I was in tears after she went to bed. It makes me upset to see how many negative things she's learning from her peers -because she's only in kindergarten. I pray God that today is a better day. Give me patience and wisdom on how to handle this. And let this phase pass quickly!

1 comment:

Janelle S said...

I can TOTALLY relate. Noelle did ok in Kindergarten, but 1st grade has done a number on her. It's amazing how quick her personality can change!