Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Chapter...

Well today is September 1st and that means I have switched from full time as a pre-k teacher/director to parttime. It is very strange being home by 12:30. I'm excited though as this will certainly give me more time. Time to cook more, organize a little more, knit more and oh yes, get ready for the baby. I guess I haven't shared on our blog yet but Ron, Anna and I are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the newest little Whitehead due to arrive around January 26th. Morning sickness has finally left and was just as brutal as it was with Anna. What luck to have picked the hottest summer on record to not only work at a daycamp but be pregnant as well! I survived though and am really looking forward the weather turning cooler and crisp. Anna begins kindergarten next week and we are all very excited. I tear up regularly thinking about it but I am truly so excited and happy for her. She is definately ready and will just grow so much over this next year. Stay tuned for picures of her on her first day!


Janelle S said...

Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! I talked with Kristy recently, after the arrival of Trey, and she said you and Dori are both pregnant. Yea!!

I look forward to seeing 1st day of school pictures. We always take Noelle's picture of the first and last day of school standing by the front door. It's amazing how much she's grown, just comparing her to the doorknob!

Ron and Rachel said...

Thank you Janelle, we are very excited -Anna most of all! I'm due the end of January. We are also excited about Anna's start of kindergarten. I will definately post pictures. I always enjoy seeing the ones of Noelle.