Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Update on the Whiteheads

Not much new to report here. Chloe is doing fabulously well. She has been pretty much off of crate rest for two weeks now. She is walking beautifully and even uses her back legs to scratch her ears -something I never really appreciated before :) Her life has changed drastically though and will remain as it is now to keep her safe. She doesn't have free run of the house when noone is home. She enjoys her crate which we keep right next to the sliding glass door so she can keep an eye on the neighborhood squirrels and deer. She also doesn't have access to the family room anymore unless Ron and I are there to pick her up on the couch and hold her. No more jumping up and down. We also took her ball away as it was encouraging wild behavior. She is very happy though and looks great.
Anna is doing well too although we had two teary days at dropoff time for school. She's in rare form lately but as cute as a button. Her hair is FINALLY starting to grow -especially after I threatened to put miracle gro on it! She is enjoying school and comes up with some pretty funny things. This week her job at school was 'teacher's helper'. I'm still amazed to walk into the bathroom and find that she has gone in there to sit on the potty on her own accord, without any prompting. My sweet little baby girl is growing up!

1 comment:

Janelle S said...

Yea for Chloe and Anna. I still have Chloe on my prayer list. I'll have to change that to a praise.