Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Update on the Whiteheads

Not much new to report here. Chloe is doing fabulously well. She has been pretty much off of crate rest for two weeks now. She is walking beautifully and even uses her back legs to scratch her ears -something I never really appreciated before :) Her life has changed drastically though and will remain as it is now to keep her safe. She doesn't have free run of the house when noone is home. She enjoys her crate which we keep right next to the sliding glass door so she can keep an eye on the neighborhood squirrels and deer. She also doesn't have access to the family room anymore unless Ron and I are there to pick her up on the couch and hold her. No more jumping up and down. We also took her ball away as it was encouraging wild behavior. She is very happy though and looks great.
Anna is doing well too although we had two teary days at dropoff time for school. She's in rare form lately but as cute as a button. Her hair is FINALLY starting to grow -especially after I threatened to put miracle gro on it! She is enjoying school and comes up with some pretty funny things. This week her job at school was 'teacher's helper'. I'm still amazed to walk into the bathroom and find that she has gone in there to sit on the potty on her own accord, without any prompting. My sweet little baby girl is growing up!

Monday, September 15, 2008


I just finished finger painting with fifteen three year olds. What did I get myself into?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Three Days In A Row!

Yes folks, we have now had three days in a row of drop-off time at school without any tears! What a difference it makes. Usually I leave there kicking myself saying "Why are we putting her through this", but now I'm feeling much better. She keeps coming home telling me about the many friends she is making and yesterday she told me Julia taught her how to play 'Hippity Hopscotch' which consists of running back and forth from one end of the house to the other yelling "Hippity Hopscotch! Hippity Hopscotch!"

This morning we had our first taste of Fall weather so Anna got to wear one of her new, long sleeved outfits. When I picked her up after lunch I asked if she was warm enough. Her response, "Well, I was a little hot, cold and sweaty, but don't worry Mommy, I was warm". Go figure.

And for an update on Chloe.... She is presently sunbathing crate free on the deck. She is continuing to do very well. I'm surprised to find though that many times when we let her out of her crate for some 'free time' she returns to it within a few minutes for a little nap.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Two for two! No tears again!

Monday, September 8, 2008

NO TEARS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Pooch Update

Chloe seems to be doing very well so far. She is allowed out now three times a day for a ten minute walk and is allowed out on our deck for small periods throughout the day. I've started her on supplements that many people online claim can do wonders. We gave her a bath today since she has been crated for so long. After Hurricane Hannah's rains last night Chloe was smelling a little gamey so we couldn't take it anymore. She got a nice bath, got her ears cleaned and her bedding washed. She looks so pretty now. She got to dry in the sun and now is enjoying a nice nap on her soft bed. Keep praying for her. If all goes well, she should be free next week!

Peek-a boob

The other day, I took Anna to a development near us for a ride on her tricycle. Usually we ride near our house but it was a beautiful day and this development has little traffic and a completely smooth stretch of road without any hills. We packed up the car with her tricycle and her helmet. Then I put her in her carseat. She had on a sundress and as I buckled her in, the strap of her dress got moved over exposing her chest. As I began to close the cardoor, I said, "Ooops, somebody's booby is peeking out". I closed the cardoor, walked to the driver's side and got in. As I turned the ignition on, Anna said from her carseat, "Don't feel bad Mommy, I checked and my booby was peeking out too".

Friday, September 5, 2008

Hurricane Hannah Fun

Tomorrow we are supposed to get remnants from Hurricane Hannah. I'm planning on staying home since I'm not a big fan of being out when there is a major storm around so I told Anna we are going to make some homeade play-doh I learned about at the nursery school. Here is the recipe in case anyone is interested. The teachers told me they even add extracts like cinnamon, pumpkin or vanilla to make it scented.

Mix together in a medium sized pot:
2 cups of water
2 cups of flour
1 cup of salt
2 tablespoons of oil
4 teaspoons cream of tartar

Add food coloring while cooking over medium heat. Remove from pan while still a bit sticky. Dough will become firm as it cools. Store in an airtight container or ziploc bag.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Homework Assignment

Well school dropoff yesterday was a teensy bit better however we did have the regular tears and hanging on Mommy's leg as she tried to leave. I did have a happy girl though when I picked her up and she had nothing but positive remarks about her day. She even came home with her first homework assignment -to decorate a paper doll cutout in any fashion, as long as it looked like her. I'll try to post a picture of it. At any rate, she was so excited to work on it and we're hoping that bringing it in to show her teacher tomorrow will erase some of the anxiety and replace it with happiness and pride? I will update you tomorrow.