Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Update on Chloe

Well, we went for another vet visit and after looking at x-rays, the dr said surgery is not needed. Strict rest is......how do you tell that to a dog who has more energy than Anna? We have a crate and she spends a good portion of the day in there and is allowed out when supervised. She is on strict orders not to run, jump or play hard. The first week was not a problem as she wasn't interested in anything but laying down. Getting her to go out to the bathroom involved a jar of peanut butter. Today though I'm seeing some changes. Its the first time she's attempted to play with the love of her life, the ball. Life is good -till we get the vet bill!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Sad News

Last night we had to take our mini-dachshund to the emergency vet for a back injury. This is a very common condition in dachshunds but can be very serious. Many need surgery and become paralyzed in their back legs. It is very common to see these little hot dogs with carts similar to wheel chairs for their back legs. Fortunately, Chloe's injury is not that serious and if we care for her properly, she should return to normal. She is to be on strict crate rest for the next 2-3 weeks. The only time she is allowed out is to use the bathroom. No jumping, running or walks. This is going to be very hard because she is always on the go. Please keep her in your prayers. She has been in her bed all day and that is not like her at all. She didn't even come out to alert me that the UPS man had arrived.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

James Wins Third Place!

Well, Ron just called. James won third place in NYS!!! They are very excited and will go to the award ceremony later tonight. Congratulations James and the Ossining Wrestling Team!!!

Update on wrestling and an exciting night....

So this is the last day of the wrestling season. Ron called from Rochester and his athlete will be wrestling his final match later today. If he wins, he'll win third place in New York state, if he loses then he'll win 4th place. I'm sure there is a better way to put that but I have absolutely no sports experience or education for that matter. My dad always says "Poor Ronnie, he married into a family that is clueless about sports!" He's right :) So we had some excitement last night while Ron was away. After a torrential rainstorm and then high winds, a tree decided to fall at 11:00pm last night. I was awakened to firetrucks driving up the road and stopping at our neighbor's house. They were evacuated since the tree pulled down some wires. It was pretty funny to see the whole neighborhood outside in their robes and pajamas. Anna slept through the whole thing -Thank you God! I had been praying all last week that we wouldn't lose power while Ron was gone -I'm a big chicken. Anyway, somehow we managed not to lose electricty -just the people who lost the tree did. I'd like to mention that is the fourth tree in the last year that has fallen from the same line of trees. This past Spring, Anna and I were on the deck when one fell on our property and ripped the electrical wires right out of our house. That's another story though.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

More Quotes from Anna

Yesterday Anna said two cute things. First, we had a few minutes to kill before her nap so I said she could use the computer. She enjoys sitting on my lap and choosing a game to play on Sesame Street Workshop. Yesterday she decided to send some Sesame E-cards. We decided to send one to Daddy at work. She chose the card she liked, dictated a cute message for Mommy to type and was ready to send it. I don't have Ron's work e-mail address memorized so I said out loud "Okay, let's look up Daddy's address and then we can send it to him". Her response...."Mommy, Daddy doesn't have any dresses!".
Earlier in the day, Anna was ravenous at lunchtime and was amazing me by her appetite for lunch. After eating an adult size portion of turkey-corn chilli, and a whole apple with peanut-butter, she asked for dessert. Now dessert usually isn't a staple in our house but occassionally, after a good meal, Mommy gives in and is willing to share her secret stash. Anyway, I asked Anna what she would like for her dessert and she replied "What do you have?" Being silly I said "How 'bout some worm soup, or some chicken feet?". She looked at me in all seriousness and said, "No Mommy, I want a people dessert".