Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What's New

The weather has been BEAUTIFUL here and we have all been spending lots of time outside.  We dusted off Anna's old "beep beep car" and Sawyer has been loving being pushed for walks in it while Anna shows off her big girl skills on her bicycle.  We also ordered a backpack to wear Sawyer in since we have been going on more and more hikes.  

The two crocuses we have in the front yard have bloomed and the daffodils are coming up.  The first Fall after we bought the house, I spent hours planting all sorts of bulbs in the back and front yards and all we have to show for it is one patch of crocuses and one sorry patch of daffodils.  The mole must have had fun eating the rest of them!

Today Sawyer and I went to story-hour in town and much to our dismay (I say 'our' because story-hour is really as much for a stay at home mom as it is for a fourteen month old) the head librarian told us it had been canceled.  Not wanting to pack up and think of something else to do, I offered to lead it for the moms and kids who were there.  We sang all kinds of nursery rhymes and did little fingerplays together.  It reminded me how much I love teaching....but the best part was having my little munchkin with me.

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