Monday, December 3, 2012

Need to Hear This Today

Loving Jesus
When my children were both crying,
I held them in my arms.
I cuddled them and whispered
That I'd keep them safe from harm.
I told them how their Father saved them
With His perfect Lamb.
When I comforted my children,
I comforted I AM.

Later on that evening,
I put them in the bath.
I washed their little bodies
As they kicked around and splashed.
I dried them in soft towels
And put their jammies on.
When I had washed my children's feet,
I'd washed the Holy One.

I cooked and cleaned and rearranged,
Made beds and taught and played.
I made sure that we had food to eat
And that we often prayed.
I died to self.  I made a home
From ordinary things.
But when I served my children,
I served the King of Kings.

To some, I have done nothing,
But to two, I've done the world.
I made eternal difference
To my precious boy and girl,
And to the One who watches over
Every pathway that I've trod.
For when I've loved my precious children,
I've loved Almighty God.

 - Megan Breedlove (
I started my day early,
Before the room was light.
I lifted my son from his crib
And wished it was still night.
But as I held him close and said,
"Hi, Kenneth, precious one,"
I knew that as I greeted him,
I greeted too God's Son.

When my daughter woke up later,
Calling, "Mommy!  Mommy!  Down!"
I picked her up and hugged her
In her worn Elmo nightgown.
I know she felt the closeness
That a mother's touch affords.
I welcomed not just Ellie,
But so, too, the Lord of Lords.

That day, I mixed some formula
And opened jars of peas.
I fixed some "pizza butter" bread
When she grinned and said, "Pleeeeease."
I heated up some leftovers;
I had to nuke them twice.
And when I fed my children,
I was feeding Jesus Christ.

I made some funny faces,
And "played puzzles" on the floor.
I dressed kitties, ran around outside,
And played with them some more.
We laughed and jumped and tickled,
Making memories to be stored.
When I spent time with my children,
I spent time with my Lord.

I wiped up sticky cereal
And washed the dishes clean.
I straightened, picked up, put away,
And dusted in between.
I did six loads of laundry
And folded it like new.
When I cleaned for my children,
I cleaned for my Savior, too.
When my children were both crying,
I held them in my arms.
I cuddled them and whispered
That I'd keep them safe from harm.
I told them how their Father saved them
With His perfect Lamb.
When I comforted my children,
I comforted I AM.

Later on that evening,
I put them in the bath.
I washed their little bodies
As they kicked around and splashed.
I dried them in soft towels
And put their jammies on.
When I had washed my children's feet,
I'd washed the Holy One.

I cooked and cleaned and rearranged,
Made beds and taught and played.
I made sure that we had food to eat
And that we often prayed.
I died to self.  I made a home
From ordinary things.
But when I served my children,
I served the King of Kings.

To some, I have done nothing,
But to two, I've done the world.
I made eternal difference
To my precious boy and girl,
And to the One who watches over
Every pathway that I've trod.
For when I've loved my precious children,
I've loved Almighty God.

 - Megan Breedlove (

Monday, October 8, 2012

October Fun

The season is changing and as we say goodbye to summer, we welcome cooler weather with open arms.  Sawyer is enjoying hayrides, pumpkin patches, apple picking and our first fire in our wood burning stove.  It's neat to see him in his little footed pajamas and Anna has been helping me come up with ideas for his little scarecrow costume.  What a difference between this year and last year....he really takes part in things now!  Anna and I bought them both 'trick or threat' buckets yesterday from Target and we all laugh out loud when he yells "TREAT!"  instead of "trick or treat".  I'll leave you with an awesome picture Ron took today at Muscoot Farm.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome

This past weekend we took a trip an hour north to the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome.  My grandfather and dad  had taken me there several times when I was a kid and we wanted Anna to experience it.  Ron offered to stay home with the little man since he's not a friendly traveler (putting it mildly).  We enjoyed seeing planes and cars from the World War I and II era.  Anna's favorite part was when the threw toilet paper rolls out of the cockpit and then circled around to cut it with their propellers.  Here are some pictures of the day:

Monday, September 10, 2012

Uncle Ricky

This past Sunday, Ricky and Glara took Anna to NYC to the American Girl Doll store.  Anna had an amazing time and was treated to her first taxi ride, a rickshaw ride, pizza, candy, cupcakes and several items from the American Girl Doll store.  She came home very excited and can't wait to go back again!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

2nd Grade

Oh the excitement!  2nd grade began today and Anna could. not. wait!  Up at need for any alarm clocks in this house!  New backpack, sneakers (did I mention they light up?), lunchbag, etc.....2nd grade, here we come!

Monday, August 27, 2012

History Repeats Itself

My dad sent me this picture last night with the following caption:

History really repeats, you at 7, Rick 1+, and Mom at 35.

Very true...

Friday, August 24, 2012

Growing Up

Anna celebrated her 7th birthday earlier this week and we enjoyed seeing family and friends for her special day.  She had been wanting Molly, one of the American Girl Dolls for a very long time and as you can see below, she was overjoyed to receive her!

We tried our hand at a rainbow birthday cake this year with cream cheese "cloud" frosting and were pretty happy with how it turned out.  

Here is a picture Ron took as the party was winding down.  I like looking at it as I see glimpses of what she will look like as a young woman.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Don't be fooled

Don't let this sweet, innocent picture of me fool you....I've made it my goal in life to drive my Mommy crazy! And guess's working!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

First Haircut!

And he did an awesome job, no tears....laughing and interested in what was going on.  I think it helped that we watched Elmo get a haircut before we went!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Little Monkey

Aaahhhh, a post about Sawyer is in order.  The little monkey has been in the best of moods lately making us smile and laugh out loud.  We're not sure why he's been so happy but no one here is complaining about it.  Its so refreshing to walk into his bedroom each morning as his little head pops up and he says "Hug, Hug".  He's understanding so much lately, sitting down when asked so you can put his shoes on.  It's adorable to hear him say "Please" and "Thank-you".  Our favorite though is when he takes ordinary objects (usually food) and puts them on his head and says "Hat" in such a delightful little way.  He's so proud of himself too when he does this.  Quite the little monkey!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

I've wanted this since I was a little girl:

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Best Job

I have watched this commercial countless times.  I love it but it makes me cry every time!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

20 Things A Mother Must Tell Her Son

I found this online today and absolutely loved it.  Some things for me to share with Sawyer over the next 16 years...

20 Things a Mother Should Tell Her Son

1. You will set the tone for the sexual relationship, so 
don't take something away fromher that you can't 
give back.

2. Play a sport.  It will teach you how to win 
honorably, lose gracefully, respect
authority, work with others, manage your 
time and stay out of trouble.   And maybe
 even throw or catch.

3. Use careful aim when you pee.  Somebody's 
got to clean that up, you know.

4. Save money when you're young because you're 
going to need it some day.

5. Allow me to introduce you to the dishwasher, 
oven, washing machine, iron,
vacuum, mop and broom.  Now please go 
use them.

6. Pray and be a spiritual leader.

7. Don't ever be a bully and don't ever start a fight, 
but if some idiot clocks you, please defend yourself.

8. Your knowledge and education is something that 
nobody can take away from you.

9. Treat women kindly.  Forever is a long time to 
live alone and it's even longer to
 live with somebody who hates your guts.

10. Take pride in your appearance.

11. Be strong and tender at the same time.

12. A woman can do everything that you can do.  This 
includes her having a successful
career and you changing diapers at 3 A.M.  Mutual 
respect is the key to a good

13. "Yes ma'am" and "yes sir" still go a long way.

14. The reason that they're called "private parts" is 
because they're "private".  Please do
 not scratch them in public.

15. Peer pressure is a scary thing.  Be a good leader 
and others will follow.

16. Bringing her flowers for no reason is always a good

17. Be patriotic.

18. Potty humor isn't the only thing that's humorous.

19. Please choose your spouse wisely.  My daughter-
in-law will be the teacher and nurturer of my grand

20. Remember to call your mother because I might be
missing you.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

We've been having a wonderful summer so far thanks to sunny, hot weather each day.  Anna is LOVING her swimming camp at the lake each morning and has been swimming out to the dock daily.  She now jumps off the dock and is working on learning how to dive.  She's still afraid of going on the diving board but I bet she's conquered that fear by August 1st.  All of the swimming and diving have led to a bout of swimmer's ear for her however.  We made a trip to the doctor's this morning as she had been complaining of ear pain for the last 24 hours.  Sure enough she had it.

Sawyer too is enjoying his first 'memorable' summer.  He LOVES the lake and enjoys digging in the sand, running into the lake and then falling under....he's giving Mommy LOTS of grey hairs!  We had him try out the sprinkler for the first time Thursday and he couldn't get enough of it.  He's talking more and becoming a little snugglebug.  He begs to be held and loves to cuddle.  Sweet boy that he is.

Anna is reading lots too.  We've gotten several books on tape (Little House, Dragon in the Sock Drawer)  and she lays on the family room floor while Sawyer naps each day, listening and drawing for two hours at a time.  She's involved in several book clubs at the library and also started some drawing classes that are being offered there as well.  It is so nice having her home for company as she is low-maintenance and easy to please.
We're having a rainy afternoon but Friendly's is on tap for later today. Hope you are staying cool!

Anna on the 4th of July blowing a bubble snake!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Weekend with Grammy and Grandpa Whitehead

Ron's parents came up from Maryland this past weekend for Anna's dance recital.  Here are some pictures from the weekend festivities....

Monday, June 25, 2012


So today is technically the first day of summer vacation for Anna.  Unfortunately due to the major thunderstorms and rain we had this morning, swimming camp was canceled.  She happily joined Sawyer and I for baby lap time at the Katonah Library.  We came home afterwards and had lunch together.  Sawyer is napping now and I told her that while Sawyer is napping each day, we are going to have quiet time.  Her teacher recommended the students read for twenty minutes each day so they don't fall behind.  She also included a lengthy list of suggested books.  I also purchased a workbook my Mom had found a few years ago when she was teaching.  It is called Summer Bridge and is published for each grade.  Its broken down for the kids into sections to complete each day.  So guess what, Anna is ticked off at me!  She doesn't want to read and she DOESN'T want to complete the workbook pages.  I told her this would just be our schedule for Monday through Friday and we could have weekends off.  I have also been compiling a list of science experiments for us to do as well (although she doesn't know this yet).  Things like making ice-cream in bag, making slime etc.  Anna DOES love to read, however she's obstinate about this 'schedule'.  It is so hard to instill in children a LOVE of reading. I'll be honest, I'm not a lover of reading.  And I hate that I'm not.  And I firmly believe the more one reads, the smarter they become.  Any suggestions on how to instill a love of reading in your children?  I'd be interested in hearing them.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Angelina Ballerina

Anna has her very first ballet recital this Saturday.  Ron took her last weekend for her rehearsal.  She came home in tears that she made a mistake.  She is too hard on herself.  We told her that is why you have a rehearsal.  She felt better after that.  She is excited and looking forward to Saturday!


Anna and her Daisies troop had their final meeeting and party at Build-A-Bear this year.  She is now officially a BROWNIE!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

What Really Matters

I read this online this morning and loved it!  Totally
reminds me of my mom.

I didn’t care that she had once been a talented business
woman, and it didn’t matter to me how much money
we had, but I felt secure knowing that she was home
with me all day.
I didn’t care if she was on Facebook, contributed to
popular blogs, or had a large Twitter following, but I
liked knowing she would always be available to
listen to me when I wanted to talk.
I didn’t care that she regretted not becoming a special
 education teacher instead of studying business in
college, but I felt lucky to have her teaching me at
I didn’t care if she was fashionable or admired by
other men, but it made me happy to know how
 much she loved, served, and respected my dad.
I didn’t care how clean our house was, but I’ll
never forget how she let my sisters and me build
 a huge fort in our living room with dining room
chairs and blankets, and spend the night in it.
I didn’t care if she had an elaborate meal plan or
gourmet cooking equipment, but I loved to eat
 her homemade deep-dish pizza at our Friday
family game nights.
I didn’t care if our couch matched the rest of the
 living room, but I remember how she held and
comforted me there as I cried during many
turbulent adolescent tragedies.
I didn’t care if she was highly sought-after by
others for advice, but there was (and still is!)
no one to whom I’d rather go for counsel.
I didn’t care how busy her schedule was, but
I’ll always remember how she got up early
 every day to spend time in God’s Word and
 in prayer.
I didn’t care if she always had the exact right
words to say, but I could count on the fact
 that her tone of voice would be gentle and
her words truthful.
I didn’t care how popular or cool or important
she was among others, because I knew she
would always make our family her top priority.
As I consider the things I didn’t care about, I have 
to reevaluate what my priorities are in raising my 
daughter.  Am I focused on my image, money, and 
worldly success?  Or am I focused on Christ, 
intentional parenting, and being present in her life?
I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t care 
what else I accomplish in life, as long as I become
 half the mom to my daughter that my own mom 
was and is to me.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mommy says I can't color with crayons anymore.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Anna's 1st Grade Show

We went to Anna's school yesterday for her 1st Grade Show.  She did an awesome job as you can see.  Anna you make us all very, very proud sweet girl!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Days Past....

Memorial Day 2012

Memorial Day 2011

Memorial Day 2009

Memorial Day 2008

Memorial Day 2007

Memorial Day 2006

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Our Handsome Little Man

Mommy thinks I should model for GQ!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Old MacDonald's Farm

When Anna was a baby, I used to take her every spring to Green Chimney's Little Folks Farm Day.  We'd pack a bagged lunch and spend the morning seeing the farm animals, doing crafts and going for a hayride.  I signed Sawyer up to go this year and it was tugging at my heartstrings that Anna wouldn't be going with me anymore.  I asked Ron if he thought I should keep her home from school for the day just so she could join us.  He said "Absolutely,  you'll never get these days back!"  So she played hooky today and we had a GREAT time.  I'm so glad she came!

 This is when Anna and I went for the first time -she was only 9 months old!