Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Real Problems

So Sawyer has been a real crab since Friday night....teething I guess however I don't see any pearly whites making their appearance yet. When things aren't status quo, I have a very difficult time coping. I'm not sure why but my anxieties crop up and I struggle with things. His fussiness and neediness have been wearing on me and with Christmas shopping and all that has to be done this time of year, plus missing my mom a lot, let's just say I haven't had my rose-colored glasses on and I've been wallowing in a lot of self-pity.

Well, I guess the Lord had other plans for me today because this morning while shopping in Kohls for Anna's teachers' Christmas gifts, I walked by a young mom pushing her three/four year old in the cart. The mom was talking on her cell phone grumbling about one thing or another and I didn't take much notice. That is until she started yelling that she was the one who had been cheated on (obviously her husband was the one on the other end). She yelled at him for having countless affairs and how could he just think that now he was going to take the house away from her and the kids besides! She said she had seen receipts in his pockets that said he was in once place at a certain time when he promised her he had been somewhere else.

I immediately got nauseous thinking of myself being in that position. I then realized that the complaining I was doing (mainly in my own mind) was really trivial and quite ridiculous. Here was someone who truly had real problems. I contemplated if I should offer to push her daugther around in the cart so she could finish her conversation in private but I thought she might think I was some psycho kidnapper. Instead I made a speedial phonecall to Ron to tell him how much I loved him!

1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

That is a really sweet post. It made me tear up :) We've had a rough few weeks, too. We've been dealing with colds and teething at the same time. Now that the kids are better, my husband and I are sick. The larger our family gets the longer the sickness gets passed around. I just hope we can all stay healthy for Christmas.

I'm sorry you've been having a rough time. I'll say a prayer for you and Sawyer. I hope the rest of your day goes well.