Friday, October 28, 2011

Frost on the Pumpkin

We went to bed last night as the temperature dipped into the 30's and the rain had turned into snow. The deck was icy this morning and we couldn't get the car doors open because they had frozen shut. The weatherman is calling for six inches of snow tomorrow due to a Nor'easter -did I mention it is only October? I hope this is not what we are in for this winter as I still have not recovered from the last one. Sawyer was born on the evening of a 14 inch snowstorm and it never stopped snowing....really! Last year we felt like we lived in an igloo. I still have nightmares about the day I piled the carseat with Sawyer and then Anna into the sled and slid them down the frozen path to the driveway because I JUST HAD TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE for a change of scenery. Ron had been working/coaching wrestling for three weeks without a day off....he didn't get home till 8:00 each night....hence no time for icemelt or sand. The path was a disaster and really, completely unsafe, but this Mom couldn't take it anymore.
So, as I said, I pray we're not facing that again!

In other news, Sawyer and I trecked over to Anna's first grade class this morning to help out her teacher with a pumpkin activity. We had a nice time and enjoyed seeing Anna in her new environment. Sawyer is now napping and Mommy is enjoying some free minutes after catching up with laundry and carrying the picnic table/chairs down to the garage....before the path freezes up again!

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