Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday Musings...

Another Monday. I kissed Ron goodbye this morning and put Anna on the bus a little while ago. Sawyer and I are trying to figure out a routine with one another. Its a little tough since he's still so young and changing daily. We do have him on a pretty good schedule but I feel a transition coming. He's getting older and is able to stay awake for longer periods of time now. He typically naps four times a day but I can see that is going to change soon. We'll be moving his bedtime up to an earlier time and I hope he'll still sleep as late. Its nice to get up and shower before my kiddies wake up and then Anna comes in the family room and we get to spend some time together before Sawyer wakes. I'm a morning person and like a little quiet time before the days gets going so I'm hoping that I can keep that. We'll see.

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