Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What a Cutie!

He's finding his way deeper and deeper into our hearts!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sweet Boy

Here is Sawyer last evening. He has been smiling and talking to us more and more each day. Sorry for the ending!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Happy Saturday!

A Saturday with Ron home is so rare but so lovely. We slept in till 7:00 this morning! Then we leisurely had a cup of coffee together while Anna watched Angelina Ballerina. We got Sawyer up at 8:00 and then Ron made homemade blueberry pancakes for us. He cleaned up the kitchen while I nursed Sawyer, emptied the ashes out of the stove and then set a fire for us -all before 9:00! Why can't he be home everyday!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday Musings...

Another Monday. I kissed Ron goodbye this morning and put Anna on the bus a little while ago. Sawyer and I are trying to figure out a routine with one another. Its a little tough since he's still so young and changing daily. We do have him on a pretty good schedule but I feel a transition coming. He's getting older and is able to stay awake for longer periods of time now. He typically naps four times a day but I can see that is going to change soon. We'll be moving his bedtime up to an earlier time and I hope he'll still sleep as late. Its nice to get up and shower before my kiddies wake up and then Anna comes in the family room and we get to spend some time together before Sawyer wakes. I'm a morning person and like a little quiet time before the days gets going so I'm hoping that I can keep that. We'll see.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Social Butterfly Grows Up!

Anna has been quite the social butterfly lately. Last evening she had a penny social with her Daisies Girl Scout troop. She was out until after 9:00pm! The house felt very strange and quiet without her -it was our first time being here without the little monkey. Then this afternoon she had a birthday party at Chuck E Cheeses. She's definitely starting to grow up -she knows the sign for "I Love You" and frequently throughout the day we'll sign that back and forth at one another. At the party I signed it to her while she was across the room and it wasn't received very well -I got a wave back with a nervous grin. Obviously 5 1/2 year olds are too old to sign "I love you" to their mom in front of their peers. Stick a knife in my heart!

Friday, March 11, 2011

My Sweet Babies

I cannot stress how wonderful Anna has been with her new baby brother. Just amazing. I catch her comforting him, wiping his mouth when he has spit up -she is just so nurturing. And she takes care of me too. Yesterday she said "Mommy, I saw you didn't get to finish your breakfast. Why don't you leave Sawyer with me in the family room and I will watch him so you can eat". Today I came out of his room after putting him down for a nap and she had put away half of the laundry. What 5 year old does that without being asked???

Monday, March 7, 2011

Anna Reading to Sawyer

Let's see if I can figure out how to do this. Ron gave me a flip camera for Christmas this year and I'd like to post some of our videos that we take on our blog so that family and friends can see them. This is a video of Anna reading to Sawyer last week. He loves to watch and listen to her. There are many days when only she can console him :)