Monday, February 28, 2011

Rainy Monday Morning

We woke to the sound of rain hitting the window panes this morning. Not great on a Monday morning....especially a Monday morning after a nice, long week with Ron and Anna home. Now they are back at work. Sawyer and I are finding our way back to our routine with one another again. I am proud of myself for transferring him from his car seat into the crib today without waking him :) I have meatballs and homemade tomato sauce simmering on the stove and some pumpkin bread in the oven for a sick neighbor. We'll have a warm fire in our stove later on and be waiting in the window for Daddy's car to pull in the driveway. Life is good.

Friday, February 25, 2011

President's Week

It has been so wonderful having both Anna and Ron home this week. We have been able to spend time together as a family of four now that Sawyer is here and Ron's wrestling season is over. We haven't done too much as Sawyer can't go out much yet but we have enjoyed warm toasty fires in our stove, movies at night, stories that Anna reads to us during the day and lots and lots of snuggle time. It will be hard Monday when things get back to normal.

Sawyer is doing very well and has begun smiling at us and even cooing a bit. He melts each of our hearts when he does this -often you hear one of us yell "Come quick, come quick! He's smiling!" and then everyone sprints across the house to see his adorable little grin. Anna is quite the mommy's helper alerting us when he's spit up -AGAIN! She has such love in her heart for him, not an ounce of jealousy. Praise God for all he has given us.

Monday, February 21, 2011

What I'm Thankful For

So I'm just going to be open and honest that I really suffer from anxiety. I've always been a worrier but its been getting worse lately and I think that is because of all of the change in my life. I stopped working, was pregnant and then had baby Sawyer. Now that I'm home more and not working I've noticed its gotten pretty bad....I feel anxious on a daily basis. I'm sure lack of sleep and crazy changes in my hormones help fuel the fire but I do have to be honest and say that my anxiety was an issue long before I became pregnant. I think my Mom's passing has made things worse too. I could always go to her when I was having a hard time and I'm unable to do that now.

I've read that focusing on your blessings from God can help. I've read about people writing in gratitude journals to help them feel better about their circumstances and lessen their anxiety. I do tend to be a glass half empty kind of person and so I've decided to try and do this. God has given me an unbelievable amount of blessings in my life and I truly do not have anything to complain about -although I'm truly looking forward to hearing his reasoning in taking my Mom. I truly believe that He had a very good reason and I often do think about what that is. I'm not angry at him for it....but I do struggle with it a lot.

Anyway, I wanted to come up with five things I am thankful for today -and not the typical my husband, my house, my kids etc. I want to list five deeper things. So here goes:

Anna's rosy red cheeks this morning after coming in from playing in the snow. Thank you God for giving me a healthy five year old, full of energy and joy.

A husband who is outside once again shoveling snow off of our driveway. My next-door neighbor lost her husband several years ago and has no one to help her do this. Thank you God for giving me a healthy husband who never complains about having to work so much to take care of our home.

The beautiful flower that bloomed yesterday and is still displaying its beautiful colors today on my hibiscus tree. My mom and dad bought me the tree for my first Mother's Day when I became pregnant with Anna. It brightens our family room on this cold, snowy morning and is a reminder to me of my Mom's love for me.

Thank you God for letting sweet Sawyer only wake me once each night to be nursed. Thank you for letting him be healthy and precious. Thank you for letting me be able to nurse him each day.

Thank you God for allowing me to stay at home and raise my family. Although I complain about all of the laundry, housework and loneliness it truly is a gift from you that I am able to do this. So many people are not given this opportunity. Thank you for allowing me to have the most important job in the world: taking care of my precious family.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Best Date Ever!

Last night was Anna's Daisy (Girl Scouts) Father-Daughter Dance. She and Ron got all dressed up and went to school for a fun night complete with music, refreshments and lots of dancing! They both had a great time.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Spring Fever

God blessed us yesterday and today with warm, sunny weather. Our pediatrician told us not to take Sawyer out for the first two months due to all of the germs and viruses going around. She said she wanted him to have his shots before we allow people around him. Its been a bit of a juggling act since we can't really run errands. Ron's been wonderful about picking stuff up on his way home from work. We also used Peapod after a friend introduced us to it. Peapod is a local delivery service for groceries -for only 7 dollars extra, they deliver whatever you need. has been great as well. But, staring at the same four walls for the last month has been a little tough on Mommy so when we saw the mercury rising yesterday, we packed up and headed out for a nice, long walk! There is a development near us with flat roads and little traffic. What a treat to be outdoors and get some fresh air! Sawyer snoozed through it but it did Mommy's mood wonders :) Spring can't come soon enough!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Life with a New Baby

We are humming along here in the Whitehead household. Life with Sawyer has pretty much changed everything but he has found his way into our hearts and we are enjoying his arrival. Here's a picture from his first bath. Anna was very helpful and interested in what we were doing. She has been great -such a help and such good company for me too while Ron is at work. I highly recommend waiting to have your second until your first is at least four or five years of age. She truly is a mother's helper.