Monday, January 3, 2011

Good News....Bad News....

So I haven't been feeling well lately. Nothing major just pregnancy related. I'm having a lot of tenderness/pain in my lower abdomen and although the dr says its normal the second time round, it doesn't make it any easier to deal with. On and off for the last two weeks I've just laid on the couch doing as little as possible which is not like me at all. I'm always doing something "puttering around the house" as my mom used to say. In fact, I couldn't wait to stop working so I could clean the basement out before this baby came. Well, anyway, I woke up this morning very tender and decided it would have to be one of those dull, spend the day on the couch days doing the bare minimum. It gets so bad that it hurts to walk. Anyway, when Anna woke up, I checked her head to make sure no bugs or eggs had magically appeared overnight -just like we do each morning and night. Well, I found an egg and I just fell apart. This happened two weeks ago and the pediatrician said it was probably just an old one that I had missed but to start the mayonaisse again and clean the house from top to bottom. Fine two weeks ago when I wasn't hurting so much but today was not the same. Thank you Lord for somehow giving me the strength to get it done. We stripped her bed, vacumned her mattress, washed a mountain of laundry AGAIN and then mayonaissed her. The poor kid, she really is a trooper. Again it was only one egg that hopefully I missed in my obsessive attempts to get them all. I hope I never meet the little girl that gave them to Anna. Okay, I'm itching my own head while I write this! I know someday Anna and the baby and I will talk about this experience and laugh hysterically....but not for a long time!

The silver lining in this cloud though is that I had my ob-gyn appointment today and it would seem that all of my cleaning and laundering have helped "move things along". I am officially 1 cm dilated and my cervix is thining! Doesn't mean anything she said however I will share that when my water broke with Anna and we got to the hospital, I was only 2 centimeters dilated. So we are moving in the right direction. Please God though, no more eggs!

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