Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy Monday

Well another week is underway. Anna had a rough start at drop-off time this morning at CCCK and then again on the way to kindergarten. Nothing much, just a little tearful and needing her Mommy. I snuck in her "Zero the Hero" Rice-Krispie/Cheerio treats that I made last night. Hopefully that will cheer her up. I can't wait to hear all about it! I made homeade roasted tomato sauce today and will boil up some pasta and put garlic bread in the oven to go with it. Maybe a nice salad too. Dessert is homeade apple crisp. A nice comfort meal on an early Fall, rainy day. All I need now is my family to come home and share it with me.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Zero the Hero

Anna had her first homework assignment last night. She enjoyed completing it and had no clue that in a matter of just a few years, she'll feel very differently about it. I have a homework assignment too apparently. In Anna's kindergarten class they count each day that they have been in school. In "honor" of the special math concept that happens every 10th day, they celebrate "Zero the Hero". A special visitor comes dressed up in a cape and they sing, count and find all of the 0's all over the room. I will be the special "snack provider". I have to secretively come up with a zero-shaped or round-shaped snack for the class to eat that day. I drop it off at the main office and all of the children think that "Zero the Hero" brought it in for them. Being that this is my first homework assignment, I'd like to make a good impression. Any suggestions? I'm willing to go all out on this one.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Turning the Page

So beginning today, Anna will be going to school everyday. Last week was orientation and the kindergarten was split into thirds so the children and the teacher could really "get to know one another". Anna was assigned one of those three days to go in. Today however, the entire group begins going regularly. Its an adjusment for me. First I'm used to working full-time and now I'm home by 12:30. Also, Anna has pretty much been with me 24/7 since she was born. Ron works so hard to provide for us and usually leaves the house at 6:45 and doesn't get home till 6:00 at night. When wrestling season is going on, he's gone even later working every Saturday and Sunday too. The summer is a little more laid back but he works several weekends then too and picks up a couple of nights. So aside from the occasional playdate or babysitting from Grandpa, Anna and I are together most of our days. And I love that, she's my little best friend. Being home now without her is harder than I expected. I'm keeping myself busy decorating for Fall, changing summer linens to warmer ones and getting more involved in cooking than usual. But finding things to do is kind of work for me right now rather than my saying "Look at that, where did the day go???". I'm sure I'll get into a routine eventually -that's what Ron says. I think what makes it hard too is that I always knew in the back of my mind that when the second baby came around, my mom would be retired and we'd do all sorts of things together. And that's not happening now. While I have grieved a lot over the past year and three months, I did have a full-time job to kind of keep me in check and now, having all this time on my hands has given me more time to think which isn't always so good. I find myself wanting to ask her what she did with her time when I began kindergarten. Her relationship with me as a child was very similar to the one I have with Anna -inseparable. So I know she would've had many of the same feelings. She too was expecting at that time. I just think it would be neat to have that conversation with her.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Cool 60 degree temperatures, football on tv in the background, pot of chili on the stove, corn muffins in the oven....Fall is here early!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kindergarten Here We Come!

Well, we did it, and I say we, because it was very tough to let her go. Anna did great though. She woke up early and remembered today was her big day. No tears, no anxiety (she doesn't take after me) just excitement and happiness. She's been there now for almost an hour and a half. I can't wait to go pick her up and hear all about it!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Getting Ready...

Her backpack is filled, hanging by the door, her snack is packed complete with a note from Mommy, her outfit is all picked out, we even chose what shoes we're wearing because tomorrow is ....


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday Morning Pictures...

Please meet the newest member of our family....

Anna is going to be a....

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

What a gorgeous day! Hurricane Earl spared us and has left behind deep blue skies, cooler temperatures and low humidity. Its gorgeous! Chloe (whose had another disk flare-up) has been enjoying the deck while on crate rest and I took advantage of the cooler weather to come outside and cut back some of the overgrown and dying flowers. Our gardent this year did quite well despite the hottest summer on record and a caretaker whose morning sickness did not allow her to care for it all that much. We still have tons of grape tomotoes, carrots to dig up, lettuce and spinach. We didn't get that much zuchinni this year but I've had enough cucumber salad to last me all winter long! Our potatoes did well despite it was our first time growing them. Oh and we still have green peppers too that are coming in. I'm looking forward to crisp days though and a chance to turn on the oven. I saw a Barefoot Contessa the other day where she made chicken picatta and buttermilk mashed potatoes. For dessert she baked pear and apple crisp. Anna and I were salivating while we watched it so we picked up all of the ingredients to make it on Monday evening before we all head back to reality and say goodbye to the summer.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Chapter...

Well today is September 1st and that means I have switched from full time as a pre-k teacher/director to parttime. It is very strange being home by 12:30. I'm excited though as this will certainly give me more time. Time to cook more, organize a little more, knit more and oh yes, get ready for the baby. I guess I haven't shared on our blog yet but Ron, Anna and I are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the newest little Whitehead due to arrive around January 26th. Morning sickness has finally left and was just as brutal as it was with Anna. What luck to have picked the hottest summer on record to not only work at a daycamp but be pregnant as well! I survived though and am really looking forward the weather turning cooler and crisp. Anna begins kindergarten next week and we are all very excited. I tear up regularly thinking about it but I am truly so excited and happy for her. She is definately ready and will just grow so much over this next year. Stay tuned for picures of her on her first day!