Saturday, February 21, 2009

He's packing for Albany.

If All Goes Well...

If all goes well today for Ron, his wrestling students will win sectionals, the wrestling season will be extended a week longer and then he will be away for a three day period to compete up in Albany, NY for the state competition. If all goes well for me today.... they'll lose. I'll be honest in saying I haven't prayed at all that they'd lose, but I haven't prayed that they'd win either -Lord, its your will.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mid-Winter Break

Ron, Anna and I have this week off for Mid-Winter Break. Although Ronnie still has to go into work each day for practice, its nice having him home the rest of the time. Unfortunately, Friday evening, Anna came down with a cold and within 24 hours, had what we thought was pink-eye and pain in her ears. I took her to the drs and they said it is a bug going around that causes eye goopies (and an excessive amount!) as well as ear infections -and bam! she had one. I'm pleased she made it to three and a half years old never having one before! She's a great patient and handles not feeling well nicely but boy, let me tell you, she DOES NOT like getting her eyedrops. Ronnie and I have to pin her down, kicking and screaming -which honestly is not in her nature. She is doing better now though and sleeping peacefully as I write this.

Chloe is doing well too. I weaned her off of meds yesterday and so far, she seems to be pain free. Praise God! She's handling crate rest so much better than last time -minimal whining and crying. She's happy if she's near the sliding glass door so she can keep an eye on her turf!

We're steadily approaching the time of year I like least of all -Spring. Don't get me wrong, I love warm spring days but I can't stand the damp, cold ones where the ground is wet and muddy and seems to find its way in my house each day! I also have the hardest time figuring out what to wear -I'm always cold unless I'm hot so I really struggle with three quarter length shirts and light pants on a fifty degree day with no sun. I'd rather just skip straight to summer.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Not Again!

First of all I apologize for the lack of posts lately. Life has been rather busy here lately. Unfortunately on Tuesday, poor Chloe's back gave her problems again. When I got home from work she stayed in her crate and didn't want to come out -even when I tempted her with food. After about two hours she came out and was walking with her tail between her legs as well as shivering. She'd lay down very slowly and gingerly. I had a feeling it was her back but I thought maybe something else was bothering her. Then after dinner, when I went to walk her, she yelped several times when I went to pick her up. It was then that my heart sank because that's a telltale sign. We immediately crated her, started her on meds and called the vet. She's on crate rest now for the next few weeks. I must say that she seems to be doing incredibly well. Thank God she is a much better patient this time and only whines occassionally about being held prisoner. Her tail wags quite a bit too and she is walking normally when allowed to come out and go potty. I think we dodged the bullet this time.