Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Tree 2008

Here is our Christmas tree. I'm obsessessed this year with checking under the treeskirt for water leaks. Last year, our treestand leaked all over our brand, new hardwood floor and I didn't notice it for 24 hours! When I did see what had happened, I was home alone with Anna and her little friend Ryan, another two year old. I had no choice but to slowly slide the tree across the room and mop up the mess. And yes, you guessed it, once I started sliding it, the whole tree tipped over and crashed. Glass, tree sap and pine needles were EVERYWHERE! It was such a mess and I practically had a nervous breakdown because my new floor was warped and the rest of the floor was going to be if I didn't get the 12 foot tree back up. I can laugh at it now but it was not a good day. Anna says she still remembers it too. We had to buy all new ornaments because all of ours broke. So the moral of this story... check your treestand for leaks and cracks...DAILY!

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