Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Freezing Our Buns

This year, Ron and I joined an online challenge that we read about on someone's blog. We made a pledge to keep the heat lower than usual this winter. The woman who writes this blog does it for environmental reasons, but we are doing it for financial reasons. Our monthly oil bill is set to double this year due to the oil crisis. After nearly losing it when I heard this, I started researching ways to save money on your heating bill. Hence our adding nine extra inches of insulation to the attic this past weekend. Our builder did a lot of great insulating before we resided the house when we had the addition put on and when Anna was born, we replaced all of the windows. When I was nine months pregnant with her, we got a brand new boiler -actually, I remember the day very clearly. It was ninety degrees outside and I had to come home from work (air-conditioned mind you). I drove home in the Neon which had no ac. I got home sweating like a pig to meet the guys installing the new furnace. I was so hot and felt like I was going to pass out when I heard a knock on the door. The furnace was installed and they wanted me to turn the heat on to make sure everything was working properly Not a good day.
Anyway, there is not much more we can do but turn the thermomstat down to save some money. We've pledged to turn the heat down to 60 at night and no higher than 68 when we are home. When we are out at work/school its at 65. We'll see if it saves some money. We're still paying double but I'm hoping that since the price of oil has come down, we'll be getting a nice refund check in the summer. It will be going towards a gas stove for the family room.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Anna's Comments...

Anna's response when she saw the picture of me below: "Well, you didn't look like a Mommy".

Halloween Past

My dad sends me old pictures occassionally and I tell him, I could just sit and go through them all for days and days. There is just something so wonderful about going back into time and being a kid again. No worries, no responsibilities. Its just wonderful! Here is a picture of me around the age of 5. Anna's sleeping now and I plan on showing it to her when she wakes up. She'll be Madeline this year. I'll post pictures of Halloween once the big day arrives. She'll be having a Halloween Parade at school on Friday morning. Although I'll be at work, Grandpa Dorgan is going and I'll make sure her brings his camera with him.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fun at the Farm

Anna's expression when it registers that THIS is where bacon comes from.

Mr. Ed

Anna's expression as a horse comes over to say hello at the North Salem Harvest Festival

Sunday, October 19, 2008

History Repeats

Here is a neat e-mail I got from my dad the other day.

These were taken in October of '78 up at Button Bay on Lake Champlain. You were younger than Anna! See if you can explain that to her!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Apple Picking Fun

Today my nursery school class had a field trip to Stuart's Fruit Farms in Granite Springs. The head teacher of my program said to bring Anna along with me for the morning. All the parents go and she thought they would love to meet Anna. What a fun morning we had. She had seen an apple picking episode on Caillou and so she was full of questions on the way there...will they have Russet Apples?....will we use a ladder to get them down? We had the best time together and she is a GREAT apple picker. I picked up a frozen pie crust the other day so this weekend we'll be making apple pie together :) Here are some pics of my sweet girl.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Pumpkin Fun

Since I teach nursery school and Anna is in nursery school (a different class), we both come home singing the same songs and doing the same fingerplays. Since it is "Pumpkin Week" for both of us, we learned the song "Five Little Pumpkins". Here is the correct version:

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate.
The first one said "Its getting very late!".
The second one said "There are witches in the air!".
The third one said "I don't care!".
The fourth one said "Let's have some fun!".
The fifth one said "Let's run and run!".
OOOOOOO went the wind and OUT went the lights
And five little pumpkins rolled out of sight!

This is Anna's version which she taught me in the car on the way home from school today...She insists this is the right version!

Five little pumpkins jumping on a gate.
The first one said "Let's walk."
The sec... the number 2... the other one said "Let's skip".
The other one said "Let's run!".
The other one said "Let's go to Home Depot"

Don't bother singing it the correct way in our house -or you'll make Anna very unhappy!