Monday, December 17, 2007

Jesus' Birthday Party

Well, despite the bitter cold and bone-chilling wind this morning, Anna and I decided to brave the weather and venture out to the birthday party our MOPS group was having for Jesus today. For those of you not familiar with it, MOPS stands for Mothers of Pre-Schoolers. It is a group of young moms that meets at our church on the first Thursday of every month. They have speakers who talk about topics moms of young kids would find interesting -discipline, getting your picky eater to eat healthy foods, romancing your husband when you have a toddler. .. You get the idea :) The moms get a nice morning off while the kids are watched upstairs. Throughout the year, they also have special playdates and get-togethers for the moms and kids. Anyway, it took us 10 minutes to get to the car from the back door due to the ice. At one point, I even considered laying on my belly and sliding like the penguins do! Walking on ice is hard enough but try it with a toddler who is still trying to navigate walking on solid, non-slippery surfaces! We arrived at church only to find that the parking lot there was just as icy as our driveway. The party was fun though. Anna was thrilled to see all of her friends and had great fun decorating a cupcake with frosting and as much candy as she could fit on the thing! We made a cute little craft and then sang happy birthday. It was a nice morning out and reminded us both of the real reason for this holiday season!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Rache,
This is super!! I love it and you guys did a great job...Glad you and Anna had fun at Jesus' birthday party.
Mom, Nona