Friday, December 14, 2007

The Beginning

Well, after much consideration and much more procrastination, the Whiteheads have decided to begin a blog to document for friends and family what is going on in our world here in Brewster, NY. We are currently enjoying the Christmas season with a toddler who finally understands about Santa, flying reindeer and lots of presents! We've been getting daily phone calls from old Saint Nick and it never ceases to amaze Anna how Santa Claus can make the phone ring just as she is beginning to test limits! Aren't cell phones wonderful? In all seriousness though, this truly is a wonderful time of year. We are looking forward to celebrating with family in our newly expanded home. Our addition is nearly complete and we are enjoying all of the extra space! Ron insisted that we had to have a huge tree this year since our new family room has a cathedral ceiling. It looks beautiful and we had a lot of fun decorating it -twice! Did we mention it came crashing down one morning while Rachel was home alone with Anna and her little friend Ryan? Not a pretty sight! It was quite the disaster and now we have a good excuse for updating our ornament collection. Hope you are all enjoying this holiday season. Here is a picture we took yesterday of Anna enjoyng the first big snow of this winter season.

1 comment:

Janelle S said...

Nice Blog! I'm impressed you got a picture in your Profile...I haven't figured that one out yet. I'll enjoy keeping up with you through your blog.