He came last week! Welcome Snuggles!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Our New Garden
Ron and I have been working with the kids on a vegetable garden the last few years. This year we decided "to go big or go home" as Ron likes to say. He built it himself in one week! We are so excited to see how our veggies turn out this year!
Monday, May 13, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
An Early Mother's Day Gift
Ron bought me a raspberry bush to go along with our blueberry bush that we had planted earlier this Spring. He planted it for me this afternoon and had Sawyer help him with the watering duties.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
The letter I hope Sawyer writes me someday:
I've been asked to update my blog so here is a letter I came across this afternoon. I hope to one day receive one from Sawyer just like this:
Dear Mom,
Remember yesterday when I told you I wanted daddy to walk me to school and then refused to kiss you goodbye? I'm sorry. You know I love you.
Remember this morning when I ran into your bedroom at 5am and yelled "Good Morning!" so loud I woke the baby? I'm sorry. I keep forgetting about the baby.
Remember when I asked you to pick all the walnuts out of my muffin and then after you took ten full minutes to make sure you removed every last one of them, I still refused to eat it? I'm sorry. That was really nice of you.
Remember when I screamed "HELP!" from your bedroom with such drama you thought the dresser had fallen on me and came running like the world was about to end, when actually I was screaming because there was a pretend shark swimming in your duvet? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you.
Remember when we were in the car on the way to Grammy's house and I asked you to play "the firetruck song" twenty times in a row and whenever you tried to switch to your music I screamed "FIRETRUCK SONG!!!!" until my screaming became more annoying than the actual firetruck song so you just let it play on repeat? I'm sorry. I can see how that would be irritating.
Remember when I refused to eat the pizza because the basil had touched it? I'm sorry. I realize the addition of basil doesn't render the pizza completely inedible.
Remember when you said it was time to leave the playground and instead of saying, "OK, let's go mom!", I yelled "Nooooooooooo!!!!!" and ran away so you had to chase me in circles around the jungle gym? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you look bad in front of the playground moms.
Remember when I decided a used straw was my most prized possession and cried like someone killed my puppy when you threw it in the garbage? I'm sorry. I must have lost my mind that day.
Remember when I asked you to cut up an apple and you said "if I cut up this apple, you better eat it" and I said "I'll eat it, I promise" but then once you finished cutting it up I didn't want it anymore? I'm sorry. I misrepresented myself.
Remember the time I lost my shit over putting on a jacket? I'm sorry. I know it was cold outside.
Remember that time you turned the lights off because it was bedtime but then after you left the room, I turned the lights back on? And then this happened five more times until you were so pissed you removed the lightbulb from the ceiling? I'm sorry. In retrospect, that was not a very fun game.
Remember the time you were trying to put my shoes and socks on and I wouldn't keep my legs still and then I accidentally kicked you in the face? I'm sorry. It was an accident.
Remember the time I was running around the room and jumping over Harlow like a hurdle in an obstacle course even though you repeatedly told me to stop? I'm sorry. I should be more careful.
Remember the time I had a total meltdown because my balloon deflated? I'm sorry. I know you have no control over balloons.
Remember my Calliou phase? I'm sorry. Calliou sucks.
Remember the time you stopped for coffee and while we were standing in line, I decided that would be the perfect time to throw a tantrum on the floor? And you were wearing Harlow in the carrier so you couldn't even bend over to pick me up and carry me out? And all the people were looking at you and thinking 'I will never have kids!'? That was hilarious. But also? I'm sorry.
You know I love you no matter what and I know you love me no matter what, so that's why I feel comfortable testing you.
You know that, right?
I love you,
PS: They should have a special day for you or something.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Following in his sister's footsteps
I love walking in the family room to see Sawyer sitting on the couch with a book balanced on his little legs reading intently....or should I say looking at the pictures intently. He can read the story to you though if you ask, he has many of them memorized from Mommy, Daddy and Anna reading them to him over and over and over and over again. We don't mind though little man.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Today I am thankful for my husband, my greatest supporter. I am thankful that I can always count on him even in life's hardest moments. He is always encouraging me and showing me how to be more positive. He loves me unconditionally and will never give up on me despite my many faults. He is one of my greatest blessings. I love you Ron and am so glad God gave you to me.
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