Monday, August 27, 2012

History Repeats Itself

My dad sent me this picture last night with the following caption:

History really repeats, you at 7, Rick 1+, and Mom at 35.

Very true...

Friday, August 24, 2012

Growing Up

Anna celebrated her 7th birthday earlier this week and we enjoyed seeing family and friends for her special day.  She had been wanting Molly, one of the American Girl Dolls for a very long time and as you can see below, she was overjoyed to receive her!

We tried our hand at a rainbow birthday cake this year with cream cheese "cloud" frosting and were pretty happy with how it turned out.  

Here is a picture Ron took as the party was winding down.  I like looking at it as I see glimpses of what she will look like as a young woman.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Don't be fooled

Don't let this sweet, innocent picture of me fool you....I've made it my goal in life to drive my Mommy crazy! And guess's working!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

First Haircut!

And he did an awesome job, no tears....laughing and interested in what was going on.  I think it helped that we watched Elmo get a haircut before we went!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Little Monkey

Aaahhhh, a post about Sawyer is in order.  The little monkey has been in the best of moods lately making us smile and laugh out loud.  We're not sure why he's been so happy but no one here is complaining about it.  Its so refreshing to walk into his bedroom each morning as his little head pops up and he says "Hug, Hug".  He's understanding so much lately, sitting down when asked so you can put his shoes on.  It's adorable to hear him say "Please" and "Thank-you".  Our favorite though is when he takes ordinary objects (usually food) and puts them on his head and says "Hat" in such a delightful little way.  He's so proud of himself too when he does this.  Quite the little monkey!