Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Days Past....

Memorial Day 2012

Memorial Day 2011

Memorial Day 2009

Memorial Day 2008

Memorial Day 2007

Memorial Day 2006

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Our Handsome Little Man

Mommy thinks I should model for GQ!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Old MacDonald's Farm

When Anna was a baby, I used to take her every spring to Green Chimney's Little Folks Farm Day.  We'd pack a bagged lunch and spend the morning seeing the farm animals, doing crafts and going for a hayride.  I signed Sawyer up to go this year and it was tugging at my heartstrings that Anna wouldn't be going with me anymore.  I asked Ron if he thought I should keep her home from school for the day just so she could join us.  He said "Absolutely,  you'll never get these days back!"  So she played hooky today and we had a GREAT time.  I'm so glad she came!

 This is when Anna and I went for the first time -she was only 9 months old!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ride 'em Cowboy

Check out Sawyer's new skill.  We're signing him up for next year's Kentucky Derby!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

There is nothing better than cuddletime with Sawyer after his bath in the evening.  He is too cute!

Monday, May 14, 2012


Our library has recently offered a new program where young kids can visit once a month and read to a doggy pal.  Anna LOVES going and enjoys reading to her new buddy Louis.  He enjoyed listening to her read Charlotte's Web.

I now pose for pictures

Sawyer just LOVES playing on the deck.  He and Anna play together and a good time is enjoyed by all.  He toddles around and pulls all of the toys out one at a time.  Bubbles are a favorite too.  Yesterday, Grandpa was over for a visit after a kayak trip with Daddy, Uncle Ricky and Anna.  Sawyer posed as soon as he saw Grandpa with the camera!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

As you can see, Sawyer just LOVES his swing!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The weather has slowly been warming up and we have been trying to take advantage of warmer, sunny days.  Sawyer loves riding in his "beep, beep car" up the hill to get Anna at the bus stop.  He waves his little arm up and down as the bus comes down the road signing "bus" over and over.  We've been spending lots of time out on our deck too.  It's fun to watch him toddle around to keep up with Anna.  She is so patient with him, always stopping to give him a hug.  So fitting that one of his first words is "Nana".  I just love these two jellybeans!