Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Boy Has Got Skills!

Here are two new videos for your viewing pleasure:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Anna spent the afternoon with her Uncle Ricky and his girlfriend Glara this past Sunday.  They all went to see Mirror, Mirror together.  Anna said they had a great time and she can't wait to plan another fun day with them. Mommy was not around to set limits on candy and silliness apparently!  That's what Uncles are for I guess!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

We Like it HOT, HOT, HOT!

Yesterday hit 87 degrees here.....and yes, it is only April!  I hope we are not in for a ferociously hot summer.  We pulled out Anna's water table which is the best 65 dollars I ever spent.  She has used it every summer since we got it back in 2006.  This year, we introduced Sawyer to it -they played for almost an hour together!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Sawyer's First Steps

It's only the beginning and he's got a ways to go but here are those first steps!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Break

Ron and Anna both had last week off from work/school.  It was a much needed time of rest for Ron because he had just finished coming off of set designer for the show Aida at his school.  We enjoyed fun activities together squeezed in between doctor's appointments, haircuts, food shopping and chores around the house.

On Tuesday, Anna and Ron went to "Morning Farm Chores at Muscoot Farm".  They both left the house at 7:15 in the morning prepared to milk cows, clean horse stalls and collect chicken eggs.  They had a great time and were rewarded with a hearty pancake breakfast!

We also enjoyed Easter Fun Day at our church.  Anna had fun taking part in an Easter Egg Hunt and greatly enjoyed getting her face painted!

In between the festivities, we worked around the house on the usual.  Turning over the garden for the spring, buying wood chips, changing oil on two cars and one tractor, and we also had fun just hanging out as Sawyer is demonstrating here:

Happy Easter everyone!  He has risen!