Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hatching Out

I had to laugh today when one of my Pre-K students told me about his cousin that is pregnant. He told me that the baby is going to "hatch out" tomorrow morning. Kids do say the funniest things!

Friday, October 15, 2010


Yeah it's Friday! In a few hours my family will be home for the weekend! I have pizza dough risng (hopefully) in our bread machine. I'll have the house all cleaned for them and then we can relax and spend time together. On tap for this weekend... Ron is going to fix a leak I found in the basement. He says its the bathtub drain and should only take an hour -we all know what that means! Tomorrow night we're off to Anna's art auction at CCC. She's so excited to have her artwork in a real artshow. Sunday morning we teach Anna's class at Sunday school and then Ron is going on a last kayak expedition with my dad and brother before wrestling season kicks in and he's busy every weekend :( Anna and I will have to plan something girly for our special time together. Oh, I can't wait for the weekend to begin!