Monday, January 28, 2008

Team of the Week

When Ron discussed coaching wrestling with me this past summer, he said he wanted to be more than just a typical coach. He really wanted to make a difference in the lives of his athletes. Well, this past week, Ossining became "Team of the Week" for the first time on our local news station. Ron and his team made the news when they invited local Veterans from the VA Hospital to come and enjoy a night of wrestling and then dinner served by the wrestlers. The athletic director came and spoke to Ron on Friday and said it was official, this was the first time in history that Ossining had made "Team of the Week". Click on the link below to see the video clip. We are very proud of him!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Last weekend we took Anna to a great little playground near our house. Last year we kept our deck free of snow all winter and went out frequently to play on it and get a little fresh air. It was so nice having it during the winter and spring because when the backyard and all the parks were snow-covered or muddy, we had a clean and dry place to play outside. Since our new addition took over the deck area, we had to rip it down and believe me, I think I cried more about that than demo-ing the dining room! We used the deck sooooo much. Anyway, this playground we took Anna too is nice because it has a rubber ground and since it is a dark color, the snow melts and dries up pretty quickly. You never have to worry about the mud either. So, we'll be spending more time here till our new deck is built. We saved all the wood (since it was only two years old) and when we have the spring-thaw, hopefully we'll get it back again!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Tea-Party Anyone?

I'm so excited because Anna and I found a little oak table and three matching chairs for her room today for only fifty dollars! They look like they were originally from a kindergarten classroom. They are the perfect size for her and now she'll have her own space to play with puzzles, do a craft project or have a tea party. I want to paint them for her but while we determine the exact color, I have them set up in her room. The picture posted above looks just like the table and chairs and I think that is the color I'm going for. After we put them in her room, I found Anna sitting at the table, completely set for lunch and she had a little bowl of peas she was pretending to eat out of -so cute!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Frosty the Snowman

Well, we were expecting 6-12 inches last night and a special day home from work for Daddy but it never happened :( Daddy got a two hour delay and we awoke to only three inches. It was our first good snowman snow so Anna and I took full advantage. Here is our result.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Say Cheese...

Well Ron's new digital camera came last week and I finally took the time to sit down and play with it for a while. It's amazing how many bells and whistles this thing has. And no film means you can take pic after pic without wasting a cent! Here is one I took of Anna the other day. She usually tells me to put the camera away when I pull it out so I had to bribe her with a swedish fish!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Ossining Wrestles for Veterans

Well, today's blog showcases Ron and the wonderful job he's doing coaching the varsity wrestling team. I know I'm always complaining about his time away but he really is doing a wonderful thing for these kids. Here's an article from our local newspaper and he may even be on tv!

On Wednesday, January 16, the Ossining wrestling teamhas invited veterans from the Montrose VA hospital to watch their matchagainst Sleepy Hollow and, win or lose, the guests are invited to stayfor dinner afterward. Ossining wrestling coach Ron Whitehead, artteacher at Claremont School, has enlisted parents in the OssiningBooster Club to prepare and serve the meal. Mr. Whitehead, a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), hasencouraged his players to give back to the community. “As a team thisyear, we have been trying to build a community feeling,” he says, “andhave worked on such projects as collecting items for Toys for Tots,collecting coats to support the OHS National Honor Society’s MidnightRun, and selling shirts to help future wrestlers go to camp.”The Ossining vs. Sleeping Hollow match begins in the OHS gym at 4:15p.m. Dinner will be served at approximately 6:30 p.m. in the OHScafeteria. The Ossining Union Free School District, nationally recognized for itsmission to further the success of all children, serves approximately4,200 pupils in six schools: Roosevelt School for newborn tofour-year-olds, Park Early Childhood Center for kindergarten throughfirst grade, Brookside School for grades two and three, Claremont Schoolfor grades four and five, Anne M. Dorner Middle School for grades sixthrough eight, and Ossining High School for grades nine through 12.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Fried Waffles Anyone?

Anna and her friend Ryan exchanged Christmas presents this past Friday at our friend Terry's house. We had a nice Christmas lunch and enjoyed watching the kids play together. One of Ryan's gifts to Anna was this neat chef costume complete with her name on the apron. Anna loves it! She has played with it everyday since then. We are considering using it for her Halloween costume this fall!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Odds and Ends

Okay, so here is another funny little thing Anna said today. While eating macaroni and cheese for lunch today she said "Mommy, I'm choking, can you make my choke go away?" She is too funny! Here are two of our favorite pictures of her over the last few days. Ron's Christmas present just came last night -a new digital camera. So I'm sure we'll be adding more pictures in the days to come. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Over the River

Anna has been saying some very funny things lately and I really need to write them down in a book to remember them. Most come out of nowhere -especially when we are driving somewhere. Last night before bed, we read a Christmas carol book she had gotten from our neighbors for Christmas. We read "Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother's house we go". When we got to the verse that says how the wind bites your nose and stings your toes, Anna said "Mommy, I don't want the wind to bite my nose because I want it -I want it to stay in its spot". I cracked up laughing!